
Being verified by top auditing organizations worldwide is a mandatory requirement to ensure transparency and safety for investors. We are delighted that BenTen Inu has successfully passed all the rigorous checks and scrutiny of Analytix Audit. Investors can trust and feel at ease when participating in BenTen Inu

Next, we will proceed with the renounce of ownership contract for BenTen Inu as soon as it is listed. BenTen Inu will not be managed or interfered with by any third party. Investors can participate with peace of mind, no one can interfere.

Analytix Audit Result

Please share and contribute positively to BenTen Inu so that we can build a sustainable and thriving community in the long run. We want you to know that our goals are long-term, and together, we will achieve a x1000 growth.

Last updated